Monday, January 04, 2010

Things that grow

I wouldn’t recommend watching the first sunrise of the year through the open door of a train, but if you find yourself in that situation, don’t worry.. its not too bad. I don’t know if I’ve told you this before, but travelling on a train …on an Indian train, is pretty much one of the most beautiful things you could do. But ill keep that story for later. Remind me.
2009 was a tough year. But I guess that’s what makes it an important year too. I was reminded(again) that our time here is limited , that the universe does not get the hint but gives us plenty, and that it’s important for things that grow to get a little rain. Including your soul.


Avvan said...

I loved it Mr Basi....U r my hero~ I wish I cud write like you

$angi said...

wish i could too !